Loyola University Chicago
hoc quoque te manet, ut pueros elementa docentem
occupet extremis in vicis balba senectus.
- Horace -
Current and Upcoming Courses
Fall 2024
LAT 101: Introduction to Latin I
Students take their first steps towards achieving competence in the Latin language by learning morphology and syntax and by acquiring vocabulary using Learn to Read Latin (2ed) by Andrew Keller and Stephanie Russell.
LAT 286/388: The Age of Nero / Petronius's Satyrica
Students read selections from literary works composed during the reign of the emperor Nero, focusing in this instance on the Satyrica of Petronius. Students at the 200-level read the selections in Gilbert Lawall's student edition, while students at the 300-level read the entire text. We pay close attention to the language and syntax, as well as the socio-historical context of these works. This course includes a writing component at the 300-level.
Spring 2025
On leave.
Previous Courses (please see my CV for more detail)
Introductory Latin in standard (2-semester), intensive (1-semester), and summer sequence.
Intermediate Latin Reading courses.
Latin Survey and specific authors.
Latin Prose Composition.
Introductory Greek in standard (2-semester), intensive (1-semester), and summer sequence.
Intermediate Greek Reading courses.
Greek Prose Composition.
General Education courses on Classical Myth and Society, Classical Literature and Reception.
Roman Civilization (including period specific courses).
Sport and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds.
Ancient Greek and Roman Law (in translation).